Some Liberal Christians Find Comfort in Bishop Mariann Budde’s Plea to Trump

Some Liberal Christians Find Comfort in Bishop Mariann Budde’s Plea to Trump

Millions of Christians in churches around the world heard the same passage on Sunday from the Gospel of Luke. In it, Jesus declares his intentions “to proclaim good news to the poor,” as he speaks to people gathered in a synagogue in Nazareth. At Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration in Dallas, the passage felt particularly … Read more

Supreme Court to Hear Oklahoma Religious Charter School Case

Supreme Court to Hear Oklahoma Religious Charter School Case

The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to consider a high-profile case that could open the door to allowing public dollars to directly fund religious schools. The widely watched case out of Oklahoma could move the line between church and state in education, and it will come before a court whose conservative majority has broadly embraced … Read more

Behind Bishop Budde’s Plea to President Trump

Behind Bishop Budde’s Plea to President Trump

Standing in the storied Canterbury Pulpit above the president on Tuesday, Bishop Mariann E. Budde was a little afraid. The leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, she had planned for months to preach on three elements of unity — dignity, honesty and humility. But just 24 hours earlier, she had watched President Trump proclaim … Read more