How Lagging Vaccination Could Lead to a Polio Resurgence

How Lagging Vaccination Could Lead to a Polio Resurgence

Most American parents hardly give thought to polio beyond the instant their child is immunized against the disease. But there was a time in this country when polio paralyzed 20,000 people in a year, killing many of them. Vaccines turned the tide against the virus. Over the past decade, there has been only one case … Read more

Supreme Court to Hear New Affordable Care Act Case on Preventative Care

Supreme Court to Hear New Affordable Care Act Case on Preventative Care

The Supreme Court said on Friday that it would take up a challenge to a part of the Affordable Care Act that requires insurance companies to cover some kinds of preventative care at no cost. The law, President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement, has survived three major earlier encounters with the court. The new challenge … Read more